Glossary -Glossary -Glossary -

The following GlossarY lists terms whose meaning is sometimes not clear to everyone but is often used in discussions or conversations:


is aimed at people with disabilities and their reduction to their physical or mental impairment. Ableism is a form of discrimination that categorizes, judges, and devalues people.
Accessibility/poor barriers
means barrier-free access to all areas of everyday life. For example, barriers can E.g. stairs for wheelchair users, the lack of offers for people with visual impairments or deaf people, but also a lack of multilingualism or complicated official languages. Accessibility must therefore be considered on many levels. Since rooms and places can never be designed completely barrier-free, one also speaks of barrier poverty. The term accessibility is legally regulated according to DIN standard.
translated means “without gender”. Agender people can feel they belong to a gender that is neither in the binary nor in the non-binary gender spectrum, describe themselves as gender-neutral or do not feel they belong to any gender.
translates to "allies". Allys are people who show solidarity with marginalized groups/people and are not themselves affected by discrimination. They use their own privileges to support people who have experienced discrimination.
Describes discrimination against Jewish individuals and institutions. It expresses itself in Jew:internal hostility and hatred. Anti-Semitism can also be directed against the State of Israel, viewed as a Jewish collective. Otherwise, the non-recognition of the Israeli state or its devaluation can be assigned to the term anti-Zionism.
originally comes from the English "to be aware", which means to be sensitized or mindful of something and was significantly influenced by black women and the 2nd women's movement. The associated concepts set themselves the goal of using verbal or physical violence (including racism, queer hostility, anti-Semitism, sexism, cissexism, discrimination against Sinti*zze and Rom*nja and ableism) or the disregard of individual borders and needs in different places appropriately to counteract and, in the best case, to prevent. Thus, the work is about dealing with power relations, which are the result of social structures. This is intended to bring about a more careful and conscious approach to those affected by structural discrimination and to create safer spaces.


used in activist and academic contexts as an umbrella term for any sexual orientation where a person may find people of two, multiple, or all genders sexually attractive. Bi+sexuality includes bisexuality, pansexuality, omnisexuality, multisexuality and polysexuality.
devaluing, ostracizing or insulting other people because of certain physical characteristics or their "not normal" appearance.


Cat Calls
Offensive sexual remarks made by men passing women on the street. Usually "cat calls" relate to the woman's body as a whole or to a specific feature and therefore count as verbal sexual harassment.
The prefix "cis" is used to indicate that a person identifies with the gender assigned at birth. It is the opposite of "trans".
Consensus is when there is a consensus of opinion among all the people involved. In order to achieve consensus, it is important to ask for agreement and, in uncertain situations, to ask too much rather than too little. “No” means “no”, and a missing “no” does not automatically mean “yes”. Only yes means yes!
Classism affects individuals who are disadvantaged because of social, structural, and societal characteristics. These characteristics are, for example, the social position or the financial circumstances in which people grew up or in which they find themselves. Classism is directed, among other things, against people from financially weak backgrounds or those of the working class.
Cultural Appropriation
refers to the (illegal) appropriation of elements of another culture that is not one's own. These acquired cultures are mostly oppressed and disadvantaged. The discriminatory aspect involves non-marginalized people applying or even benefiting from these components without the appropriate context. These cultural components can be clothing, jewellery, hairstyles or knowledge.


denotes a gender identity in which a person only partially identifies with one gender.
is directed against people who are valued, excluded or treated unequally because of individual or group-specific characteristics. Discrimination affects marginalized people, i.e. people who are socially, politically or institutionally disadvantaged. This can happen due to skin color, ethnicity, gender, age, physical, psychological and social characteristics. Discrimination also occurs at different levels. These levels are individual, institutional and societal.
has been a legal gender entry since 2019, which is mainly used by intersex and non-binary people. Officially, only inter people can use it. For non-binary and non-intersex people it has de facto become very difficult if not impossible to get the entry. This is not a separate gender, but an umbrella term for many different genders.


Female Lesbian Inter people Non-Binary people Trans* people Asexual people (people with no/low sexual desire), Aromantic people (people who feel no/low romantic attraction) and/or Agender (people who do not identify themselves with a gender). ) and people not explicitly mentioned, who do not fit into one of the above-mentioned sexual orientations or gender identities and are (also) meant. The asterisk * stands for everyone who cannot be found in any of the letters in the name and who is marginalized in our patriarchal majority society. In other words: are not cis hetero male.


refers to a form of psychological violence in which the person affected is manipulated and unsettled. This can lead to your own reality and perception being questioned. Gaslighting also attacks the self-image of the person concerned and, in extreme cases, can lead to a complete loss of reality and even serious psychological complications.
describes on a scientific level the socially constructed gender and on an activist and personal level a person's gender identity. Gender identity here means one's personal idea of one's gender and one's gender role. Within society, gender is the concept by which we classify various ideas such as social status, gender presentation, role in society, life planning and sexuality into the categories of masculinity and femininity.


targeting lesbian and gay people. It shows in their discrimination and rejection up to hatred and assaults.


A person is intersex if they cannot be assigned a clear sex at birth.
means when people face multiple forms of discrimination (e.g. being black women). This is also referred to as multiple discrimination.


The abbreviation stands for lesbian, gay, trans*, bi, queer, inter and agender. The + stands for all gender identities that do not belong to the spectrum mentioned, in order to include them with the term as well.


the supposed enlightenment, imparting of knowledge and instruction by men to women based on the assumption that they are too emotional or irrational to understand the topic or that the expertise is beyond their competence. He ignores the fact that the woman has competent (technical) knowledge or does not need an explanation, let alone asked for it. Men who reveal their knowledge without being asked, also with regard to erroneously gendered topics.
Men who, for example, sit with their legs apart in the subway and take up more space than necessary. It is often downplayed, but some people feel bothered by this power behavior that constantly happens in public space.
is a social process in which groups of people or individuals are marginalized from society. As a result of this displacement, marginalized people can only participate to a limited extent or not at all in economic, political and cultural life.


denotes people who are not in the binary gender system. The binary gender system includes only female and male. For example, they may feel that they belong to a different gender, be trans* or do not identify themselves with a gender.
Patriarchy - describes a system in which social and societal relationships are significantly shaped and dominated by men.


beschreibt ein System, in dem soziale und gesellschaftliche Beziehungen maßgeblich von Männern geprägt und dominiert werden.
person of color - a self-chosen designation of people who identify as "non-white" and still have discriminatory and exclusionary experiences in our society.


mostly used positively as a self-description, especially by people who see their identity as "outside the societal norm". Can also be used as an umbrella term for people who don't fit into society's romantic, sexual, and/or gender norms. However, queer is also a theoretical direction and a branch of science in which pigeonhole thinking is broken down, different forms of oppression are to be thought of as being interconnected and, in particular, sexuality is examined as a place of oppression.


Racial Profiling
is a discriminatory process at an institutional level. Here, BPoCs are checked based on external characteristics without any clues. This process happens because of racial stereotypes. The institutions that operate racial profiling are, for example, the police, the military or customs.
Racism is directed against groups of people because of their origin or ancestry. Collective characteristics are attributed to these people, which devalue them.


Safer Sex
refers to sexual intercourse in which people use condoms or wipes to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases.
Slut-shaming is aimed at individuals, mostly FLINTA* individuals, whose sex lives do not conform to patriarchal expectations. These expectations usually presuppose that FLINTA*s should not be too open about their sex life or should not associate with several partners.
Safer Use
includes processes, preventive measures and strategies to make the use of psychoactive substances as safe as possible. It is intended to prevent overdoses or the transmission of diseases.
Solidarisierung bedeutet, sich mit Personen oder Gruppen zusammenzuschließen und sich unterstützend auf eine Seite zu stellen.
Sex Positivity
Sex positivity means the empowerment and celebration of bodies, nudity and sexuality without shame.
SWERF stands for Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminism. These people assume that sex work cannot be voluntary and do not see it as work.
Solidarity - Solidarity means uniting with people or groups and taking a supportive side.


The abbreviation TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism, i.e. trans*-excluding (supposed) radical feminism. TERFs explicitly exclude trans* and non-binary people from the feminism movement
are triggers that evoke negative memories or feelings in people. In the case of sensitive content, it is therefore important to issue a trigger warning beforehand.
Describes a symbolic gesture in which people represent a minority in a group because of a characteristic attributed to them. For example, a person is invited to a panel talk just because they B. is black to represent supposed diversity.
trans* describes a movement beyond something. In the case of gender or identity, a movement beyond the gender assigned at birth is described. Trans as an adjective describes people who are undertaking or have undertaken this movement. Similar to tall, short, black-haired, or European, it describes a specific characteristic of a person. A small woman is a woman who is small. A trans woman is a woman who is trans. Colloquially, trans is mostly used for people whose gender does not match the gender assigned at birth.


Being white is not a self-description but a description of a reality, it means having power and privilege and not being confronted with experiences of racism. There is no racism against whites.
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