Consent -Consent -Consent -Consent -Consent -

No means no!

Ask for consensus!

privileges check!

Consent means that things are done in agreement with everyone involved and no one crosses borders. This also applies to the festival in the celebration context and sex in all its forms.


Consent involves sharing what's okay and what's not with the person involved. And in which moment something that was okay one moment is no longer okay the next moment. Just because someone has been flirting with you all night or even cuddling you a little doesn't mean that you're being asked to engage in sexual activity. Even smooching around is not an invitation to go straight on.

Notice and be sensitive to the other person's reactions and behavior, ask how the other person is doing when you sense uncertainty and hesitation.

Some people find it difficult or impossible to express themselves in situations in which they feel harassed. Consent and privilege should be thought of together. That means perceiving and thinking about power relations, hierarchies and power dynamics. It is not possible for every person to formulate a “no” (equally) at all times, even though the actions in the situation may be repugnant to them. Interactions should be consensual, independent of power relations. A guest should also be able to say "no" to the celebrated person at the DJ desk or at the bar if the (sexual) act is not consensual.
Fame is no free pass!
Consent means that a person who is being coerced into sexual activity against their will does not have to explicitly say "no" or otherwise express their refusal.

Passivity cannot be taken as consent.

A "yes" in vocalization or body language may be unenthusiastic , so not an enthusiastic "yes", but ambiguity and ambiguity. So it is also an important aspect that the power relations or preconditions between two people that form "consent" structure the whole interaction.

No agreement


no consent

All human interactions involve a paradox of intimacy and distance. This also applies to sex. Sexual interactions involve physical and many emotional and mental intimacy as well. However, we can never fully know other people. Therefore, there is always a potential vulnerability associated with sexual acts. There are countless ways you can be hurt by another person. Especially from someone you become intimate with. In contrast, there are just as many ways that this person can bring you joy. Both can overwhelm you. Sex should be wanted, desired, and enjoyable, but in any case, at the bare minimum, have consent.

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